Shoot at the skylight 21|07|11 I think I’m obsessed with this song! Aperitif @ Il piccolo diavolo Spritz Dress: Miss SixtyShoes: Guess By MarcianoBag: Balenciaga giant townsunglasses: Rayban Wayfarer and here is my sunshine ShareTweetPin martina Founder of The Fashion Coffee since 2009. Italian fashion Blogger & Fashion Influencer with a big passion for american black coffee & Shoes, shoes of course. Beauty Editor for Glamour Italy. "We Should All Be Feminists" Previous Article Your Kiss Is Cosmic Next Article Vaio Luxury Pink
Ma quanto siete carini!! E bel vestito!
Un bacione
Loving Chiaradeannaa
Cute rings!
Che dolce la foto con la nonna ^_^ e carinissima tu!
Ciao, Francesca
ciao puoi dirmi che smalto indossi???