Hello Girls,
Well, raise your hands up if you are curious to know what’s the diet of a Victoria’s Secret Model!
Here I am for that!
Are you ready to find out that of course them are not goint to eat pizza, as them are showing us in backstage pics and videos?
Ready? GO!
Recently Adriana Lima reveal her exhausting diet and preparation for VSFs.
Everything comes from a diet long 1 year, yes, exactly, she is always on diet.
No carbs, no fat, so no pizza, no bread, no pasta, not of course french fries.
Breakfast? She eat fruits, lunch proteins and veggie, dinner? Only Veggie!
To Drink?
Water, Coffee & Light Coke ( she avoid zero Coke, cause has more gas)
Exercise? 2 times a day ( Boxe, running , weightlifting) for 30 minutes
Is it all? of course not!
9 days before the show she start with the hardest and exhausting part, like before was nothing.
In this last period she can drink 3 protein share and nothing more, so it means no solids.
2 days before? Only Water.
12hours before the show? nothing, not even water.
I Don’t really think now that them are really going to eat pizza on the backstage, but one thing is sure.
This is not Healty.
Buongiorno Ragazze, proprio oggi sono inciampata sul nuovo video pubblicato su Youtube da Fashion TV degli Angeli di Victoria’s Secret…
Mi sono sempre chiesta quale fosse la loro dieta… come facessero a mangiare pizza nei camerini e poi entrare in scena con ventre piattissimo….
Facendo delle ricerche ho trovato la risposta!
siete pronti per scoprire il segreto della bellezza?
In una recente intervista , la modella Adriana Lima , ha svelato qual fosse l’ estenuante preparazione alla sfilata di intimo più famosa nel globo.
perchè allora fanno vedere le foto in cui mangiano la pizza??
comunque vorrei invitarvi a partecipare al mio giveaway!
Mamma mia che stess una vita così e poi, salgo casi particolari, con una dieta e un esercizio fisico del genere tutte avremmo quel fisico lì (altezza a parte)…
Sono belle, bellissime ma non dev’essere facile vivere così…
WOw, this show looked so amazing! I adore this brand 😀
You can still join our shabby apple giveaway
I love the VS show, gets more and more beautiful every year! The girls look so amazing! Great post! Great blog, I am now following, maybe you’ll have time to visit my blog:)
Assurdo…ma come fanno a reggersi in piedi…queste cose sono veramente inconcepibili….
Inquietante! O.o
Che vita triste!! -.-“
Hey ! But, I bet their rent is paid ! ! ! Hungry and Mean all the way to the BANK ! ! ! Can you spell B A N K ? ! ? ! ? Why do you think they make the news fighting in the airport and shiggedy ? They are hungry ! Deliriously HUNGRY ! ! ………….Hey ! Mais , je parie que leur loyer est payé ! ! ! Affamés et moyenne tout le chemin à la banque! ! ! Pouvez -vous épeler B A N K ? ! ? ! ? Pourquoi pensez-vous qu’ils font des nouvelles des combats dans l’aéroport et shiggedy ? Ils ont faim ! Délirant faim! !