VFNO || Vogue Fashion’s Night Out Roma 2012

La VFNO di Roma è passata in meno di un nanosecondo!
il 13 Settembre a Roma si è svolta la Vogue Fashion’s Night Out , ed io ho passato la serata in compagnia di Chiara e Claudia .
Durante la serata sono passata da Fornarina a salutare Irene di Irene’s Closet .
Mentre uscivamo dal negozio io Chiara e Claudia siamo state fermate da una reporter , e loro due si sono dileguate alla parola “Intervista” .
Godetevi le foto ragazze!

The VFNO of Rome has gone in less than a nanosecond!
September 13 took place in Rome Vogue Fashion’s Night Out, and I spent the evening in the company of Claire and Claudia.
During the evening I went to greet Fornarina by Irene of Irene’s Closet.
As we left the shop we Claudia Claire and I were stopped by a reporter, and two of them have vanished with the word “interview”.
Enjoy the pictures girls!

Renee la Bulgara di M2o


Founder of The Fashion Coffee since 2009. Italian fashion Blogger & Fashion Influencer with a big passion for american black coffee & Shoes, shoes of course. Beauty Editor for Glamour Italy. "We Should All Be Feminists"


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di Martina Corradetti