Destination : Sicily =)


Buongiorno ragazze, scusate per l’ assenza più o meno prolungata, ma è stata una settimana veramente intensa e piena di cose da fare.
Oggi la giornata sarà dedicata allo Shopping, perchè tra 2 giorni partirò per Favignana, meravigliosa isola Siciliana.
Non vedo l’ ora di passare 1 settimana al sole come una lucertola ( dico sempre così e poi finisco sotto l’ ombrellone), in totale Relax sorseggiando qualche smoothies !
Se vorrete seguirmi in tempo reale anche in vacanza ecco i principali social da “everyday”

e voi? dove andrete in vacanza?

Hello Girls!!!!
Sorry for being so Off in these days, but I’ve been very busy and it’s been a full week!
Today I’m going to dedicate my day to my biggest passion: SHOPPING, Finally, because I’m going on Holidays in 2 days. Direction? Favignana, the amazing and awesome Sicily’s Island!
I just can’t wait to be already on the beach, getting tan as a lizard! ( I always say that, but after all I know that I’m going to be under the beach umbrella drinking some smoothies.)
So , if you want to follow me in real time, stay in touch with me on my “everyday’s social”

and you? where are you going this summer?


Founder of The Fashion Coffee since 2009. Italian fashion Blogger & Fashion Influencer with a big passion for american black coffee & Shoes, shoes of course. Beauty Editor for Glamour Italy. "We Should All Be Feminists"


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di Martina Corradetti